Being an adult of any age can be stressful, let alone being an adult in the digital age. Some generations grew up with technology and others may struggle to adapt to the role of technology in their lives. With all the questions and concerns of being an adult in a digital world, it would be nice to find a community where we can get answers to our cyber questions. A place we can educate ourselves to be independent and CyberSmart.
At CyberSmartNV we want you to be part of our cyber community. There are cyber resources for the young professional just getting a start in life and answers to questions you may have as a retiree or a grandparent. Or, maybe you have older parents and want to find resources to help them stay cyber safe in today’s digital age.
At CyberSmartNV you will find cybersecurity resources that will help you ask the right questions and provide the answers and knowledge you need to protect you and your loved ones from cyber-crime. Additionally, there are government resources, tools, training, and education about programs and efforts in cyber security which you can use to stay cyber secure as possible.
Thank you for being a part of making Nevada Cyber Smart.
If you know of any additional cyber resources for adults that CyberSmartNV may have missed – please submit them here. Once reviewed, they may be added to the resource section. Additionally, if you find a resource that is not working, please let the admins know ASAP. Contact CyberSmartNV Admin.
CyberSmartNV has curated the information on this site to educate the Nevada public.
This site contains information and links provided for the visitor’s convenience. Although CyberSmartNV makes a best effort to curate the highest quality materials, CyberSmartNV cannot guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. CybersmartNV is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the education of the cyber professionals and the public at large.
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